It was a suprise, I wanted to come quitely to Israel and suprise most of my friends and fellow skaters, I bought a ticktet to 15/8 at 12:20 from Moscow to Israel, until here it was the easy part.
I had a feeling something will not go so smooth, since I stayed in Russia for more than I should of.
My "tourist" Visa was for 3 months, and I been in Russia for 4 months already, I tried to check what will happen, of course I fear the worst, not to be allowed to go back at 1/9 (opening of Ice season).
So 15/8 came, I managed to keep this as a secret from most of my friends here....I even organized a spriniting event for the 1st time in Israel, if I learned one thing in Russia, to promote inline skating you don't need an offical FIRS event, just make one local by your own and promote our sport !
Back to 15/8 morning, as I woke up, my Russian friend picked me up to airport "Domodedovo" and I packed everything before so it went fast, traffic was nice to us, and in 2 hours we got to the airport, I had 2 more hours to my flight, and I was walking with a bad feeling about the "Passport Control Area" that will turn to be sooooo true :)
Entry to the Airport from the train staion |
I got my ticket, I gave away my louge, and I'll go to the boarding area, my worst fear at the time.
The lady got it quick, she knew I was in Russia for more time than I should of, and than it started....A police man came and gave me a ticket for 2000Ruble (~250NIS/55$) to pay for illigal imegration, than they told me to go to my Embessy to get a new Visa to leave Russia, but my embessy told me on the phone they have no idea what to do with me, since they don't make Visa's.
After 2 Exhausting hours, I found out I have to go to Ministry of Interior for a new Visa.
The trip started with a 50min train from the airport to center of Moscow, followed by a metro to the area of my St.
Train in Moscow |
It took around 1:45 to get to there and when I found the place, it was even a bigget nightmare.....I had to fill a doucment about why I was there for more than 3 months and than.....I HAD TO DO IT IN RUSSIAN ! (and when I said I don't write Russian, they didn't even care) .
After I ask all the people to help (Which no one did) I ask the lady guard in the entry to help me with the writing, and she did....but she didn't knew English so preatty quick we were stuck....
Moscow Metro |
Ruuning at Moscow streets |
Now the movie is starting :
She took her phone and called some lady, some 50 year old lady, half walking, came out of nowhere.
Started to take my Visa and fill the form very quickly....Than she started to command me what to do, like go taking photos of me for the Visa and copy my passport...I knew she was a pro ! it felt like it's the stories I been told about Russia all the time "Money can buy and bride anything and anyone in Russia".
We went together to the building infornt and we sit to talk, she did me a calc on a paper with how much money it will cost me to get a new Visa, if I will do it alone in the "Fashion way".
The min she took her small papers and a pen so quickly I was starting to be a bit worried it's a scam.
Now it was the big bang , she said : "for you, it can take up to a week, give me the same amount of money and you will have Visa in 15 min without even moving"
I only had 150$ left on me and my Passport, and she just asked to take both of these from me.....I was worried as hell, and after consulting with a friend on the phone, he spoke to her and said she sounds like someone who knows what she is doing.
So I said : "I want home, and money have a good chanse to get me there TODAY"
I gave her 150$ and all my paper, I was standing in the street like a time bomb, and after only 10 min she come back and says : "lets walk, this place have cameras" I knew something smelled bad.....
We went to a local store near by and we sit and she gave me my passport with a REAL ! YES ! a real new Visa to leave Russia !
I was amazed big time, this woman just brided the guys there and I'm out, I did miss my morning flight, so my suprise was kinda screwed.....BUT I'M COMING HOME ! that's great news :)
This time in the airport it all went silky smooth, I passed the passport area and went on my flight so happy.