Thats it ! the moment is near, it's coming to me with huge steps.....The big test, the begining of all I worked for, the start of what I risked so much to go for.....Like they say : "It's now or never..."
The ice rink is ready, a lot of skater are waiting for this friday, when the teams will start ice skating trainings.
The rebuilt ice rink at Kolomna |
The rebuilt ice rink at Kolomna |
I had a joke with a few friend when it was so hot in Israel I said "Don't worry in a week I'll have a Russian winter" what I didn't know is that I'll be right.
It's really cold here now, around the 10-15 degrees during the day and 6-10 at night....preatty cold for me, and like a good weather change, I got cold as well.....A little Throat problem, but I guess it will pass in a day or two.
Sky are very cloudy and it's cold |
2 days ago, I went to Moscow for a big test of my body, power and heart ,before the season will start, the results will come in a few days, and I'll post the full info, what I do know for now, is that my legs size are quite nice already (59-60cm) of scope quad muscle, and my heart/fat % is ok as well.
Oxygen test on bicycle |
The bad thing was my power (Watt) level, in sprint.
I know I will not be a sprinter, but I must must must improve my power training plan.
My info on the computer |

Body Measurement of a team member |
What was funny and weired, once I told my coach about my throat, he took me very fast to see 3 different doctors and getting a very weired treatment of Ultra light & Oxygen breath & heating neck area. I guess they do not take any small risk of sickness around here.... I'm used to telling the doctor that I have throat and they tell me to take a pill.
Warming the throat area |
Oxygen Inhaler |
Updates on my 1st time on the ice after 4 months of dryland and hard training will come very soon :)

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