Visiting Israel is over, time for summary, it wasn't a real vication of doing nothing but it was a big test for my self d
iscipline, my coach gave me 2 weeks training plan, a very strong one and I had to do it in over 35 degrees outside at Tel-Aviv park in the morning.
I flew back to Russia in the early morning of 31/8 and I was really suprised that at 4:00am the airport was very full with always I had to make my regular photo out side the main gate.
airport full with people at 4:00am |
Standing outside gate number 3 |
I took 4 hours + 1 hour time difference and I landed in Russia, my heart was beating preatty high at this time, since I was worried that they will not let me go in after what happend last time (I stayed more than my Visa time).
But it went smooth ! The officer at passport control asked me if I was a tourist, I said YES YES without even thinking and woot I was inside :)
Now I had to go with a train to center of Moscow, the weather is great !! 20 degrees , it's not hot and not cold, at this part I was meeting my dear friend Natalie which is responsiable for the photos as well.
Outside Moscow train |
After the 45min train to center of Moscow we went inside the metro for another 40min of traveling to our bus staion in Moscow.
Once we got there, it was incredible ! the bus was so nice and good, it had a toilte room and a Tv show.
You could also order drinks and food while you were sitting, for me that was new.
But as you can see in the photo, I was thinking about only 1 thing :)
Sleeping hard on the bus to my city |
Once I got to Kolomna, without even thinking once or twice, with all my bags I went to join my team for power training in the gym , and I can say it I MISSED THEM !
Running with my bags to be on time for training |
I was so happy to see everyone, and I joined the training without changing clothes or nothing.
Power training right after landing in my city |
The workers here started working on the ice rink to make it ready for next week with ice.
ICE SEASON is coming ! my biggest test is about to come, I feel good, I feel ready and I have full belive in my skills and abilty.
Now it's time to get back on normal training program and starting my 1st pro ice season, I started editing some movie about my time in Israel, it will be posted some time later this week.

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