Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy new year (Jewish year)

To all my readers, followers and friends I'll wish you for the new Jewish year to achive in life any thing you dream of !
May this be your year :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Extra training on short track

Time is pressing and a lot of work left to be handled on the ice, so there is only one way to fix that.
I added an extra hour of training tech in the morning, with the kids group.
I think this hour is helping me a lot and now I train for 4 hours in the morning and 3 more in the evening, so I'm kinda what you call "busy on the ice".

With the kids I work in a smaller rink, called "short track" a 200M track that makes turning very hard, if you do it good on 200m, I'll do it great on the Long track 400m track.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ice Ice Ice

Been 13 days on ice....I know I improved, but I have a LOT of work more.
I keep getting the same comments over and over "Sit low" "bend knee" and of course my biggest problem, crossovers, but I know time can heal things like that.
I know I post only about ice training lately, it's cause it's the only thing I do right now.
I skate on ice at least 2-3 hours a day and with gym and aerobics I finish with 6-7 hours of work.

A new clip :

Sunday, September 18, 2011

1st week on the ice

My 1st week of ice training is over, I tried so skate as much as I could, I did like 2-4 hours on the ice each day of this week, I had some problem with my camera so only yesterday I got some video done.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My 1st week on the ice (almost)

Been 5 days since I started ice skating, and it's damn not easy.
Going on the ice is maybe similar on the balance side of inline's but it's another world of technique and power.
After a week which I heard so many comments of how bad I skate on ice, finally today I saw some light in that dark tunnel, I made a good skating laps with the team and my crossovers were much better.
In the morning I started understanding a bit more of how to skate low, I even heard today from people some good comments on the improvment of today.
Coach even said, if I will learn to skate low and do it perfect, my all skating life will change, I been trying so hard to skate low, and I feel like I do it, but than I video my self, and it looks BAD !
This video was taken in the morning, in the evening I skated much better :) too bad I didn't have camera than.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ice training 12-9-2011

A bit better quality of filming on the ice today....And a bit better skating....

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ice time - morning training

Yesterday we skated on the ice, after long time of waiting and working for this moment, it was still very hard...The ice is not inline's, it's very different from the wheels on the inline skating.
When I skate on inline I can go between cars at 40+km/h of speed in the middle of the day, and I can control them even more than a rider control his bikes, but on the ice, I feel really different, the boots control me and I follow what they do, I guess this lack of control is the time on ice (By now I skate like 10 hours on ice) in total :)
Today I had 2 hours on the ice, morning training with start postion and mini sprints and evening training with the group.
I keep losing the draft when they sprint in the start, but I got to relax now and work more on techniqe  and less on my Ego and will to be fast ....
I made a really bad video (Sorry, video camera quality sucks) but this today training :

Friday, September 9, 2011

I will be one of them !

A day with big excitement is coming....A day I been working my ass off for the last 5 months, 2 more hours and I'll be on the ice.
But this time, something will be different, I am different, I'm not the same guy who came here in Feb for testing, I'm not the same guy who landed here in April for training.....

2 years ago, I used to watch and analyze double push (inline) technique movies on YouTube, wondering if I could do it........

2 years ago on Fitness boots, doing 60km track at the dead sea
2 years ago, I dreamed about skating along and with pro skaters.....
1 year later, I double pushed my way to finish 38th in Berlin marathon, my 1st inline marathon ......

Crossing the finish line in Berlin 2010
And I double pushed my way to the winning line of Tel-Aviv inline 1st half marathon.

Winning Tel-Aviv inline half marathon
1 year ago, I saw them on YouTube at the ice in the winter season, and I used to dream I could do that as well....
8 months ago, the dream started to get real once I decided I will live to live my dreams and I will chase them as hard as I can and with all my heart.
7 months ago, I landed in Russia for 1st Impression with the coach and team, my 1st step to get closer to the goal.
Being tested by the coach in Feb 2011
5 months ago, I packed my bag's and went on a journey, to be a pro skater.......
Inline training in May 2011
in 2 hours, I will no longer need to dream about it, no more watching movies on YouTube and knowing I can do 2 hours, I WILL BE ONE OF THEM ! I will train just like them on the same 400m track.
A pro speedskater on the ice, a man who has done anything to achieve his dreams.

My time has arrived, my time to know and proove to my self, that I have what it takes, inside and outside.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

48 more hours till ice season is up

Thats it ! the moment is near, it's coming to me with huge steps.....The big test, the begining of all I worked for, the start of what I risked so much to go for.....Like they say : "It's now or never..."
The ice rink is ready, a lot of skater are waiting for this friday, when the teams will start  ice skating trainings.
The rebuilt ice rink at Kolomna
The rebuilt ice rink at Kolomna
I had a joke with a few friend when it was so hot in Israel I said "Don't worry in a week I'll have a Russian winter" what I didn't know is that I'll be right.
It's really cold here now, around the 10-15 degrees during the day and 6-10 at night....preatty cold for me, and like a good weather change, I got cold as well.....A little Throat problem, but I guess it will pass in a day or two.
Sky are very cloudy and it's cold
2 days ago, I went to Moscow for a big test of my body, power and heart ,before the season will start, the results will come in a few days, and I'll post the full info, what I do know for now, is that my legs size are quite nice already (59-60cm) of  scope quad muscle, and my heart/fat % is ok as well.
Oxygen test on bicycle
 The bad thing was my power (Watt) level, in sprint. 
I know I will not be a sprinter, but I must must must improve my power training plan.
My info on the computer

Body Measurement of a team member
What was funny and weired, once I told my coach about my throat, he took me very fast to see 3 different doctors and getting a very weired treatment of Ultra light & Oxygen breath & heating neck area. I guess they do not take any small risk of sickness around here.... I'm used to telling the doctor that I have throat and they tell me to take a pill.
Warming the throat area
Oxygen Inhaler
Updates on my 1st time on the ice after 4 months of dryland and hard training will come very soon :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

We only want to live !

If I'll start by copying the links of all Accidents that cyclers found thier death in Israel in the last years, it will take a very long post.
We are killed by drunk people, sleeping & tired people, talking on the phone people.....While we are only trying to ride a bike or inline skating.
Some of us do it for the fitness or fun, some of us do it for training, some of us do it as Athletes.
But we all got 1 thing in common, the will to come home the same way like we left it, ALIVE !
After the last 2 dead cyclers in Israel (2 weeks ago) a group of 1000 riders cycled to the place they were Murdered and in this huge force we created togther, we only asked to be showen and notice.
I was lucky enough to be in Israel on this time, and to take part, I came on inline skate and joined this big mass of riders, I use the roads just like cyclers and as well I cycle for my training almost every day on the roads.
This is a short clip in the memory of them :

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Back on riding the horse

Visiting Israel is over, time for summary, it wasn't a real vication of doing nothing but it was a big test for my self discipline, my coach gave me 2 weeks training plan, a very strong one and I had to do it in over 35 degrees outside at Tel-Aviv park in the morning.

I flew back to Russia in the early morning of 31/8 and I was really suprised that at 4:00am the airport was very full with always I had to make my regular photo out side the main gate.
airport full with people at 4:00am

Standing outside gate number 3
I took 4 hours + 1 hour time difference and I landed in Russia, my heart was beating preatty high at this time, since I was worried that they will not let me go in after what happend last time (I stayed more than my Visa time).
But it went smooth ! The officer at passport control asked me if I was a tourist, I said YES YES without even thinking and woot I was inside :)
Now I had to go with a train to center of Moscow, the weather is great !! 20 degrees , it's not hot and not cold, at this part I was meeting my dear friend Natalie which is responsiable for the photos as well.

Outside Moscow train
After the 45min train to center of Moscow we went inside the metro for another 40min of traveling to our bus staion in Moscow.
Once we got there, it was incredible ! the bus was so nice and good, it had a toilte room and a Tv show.
You could also order drinks and food while you were sitting, for me that was new.
But as you can see in the photo, I was thinking about only 1 thing :)
Sleeping hard on the bus to my city
Once I got to Kolomna, without even thinking once or twice, with all my bags I went to join my team for power training in the gym , and I can say it I MISSED THEM !

Running with my bags to be on time for training
I was so happy to see everyone, and I joined the training without changing clothes or nothing.
Power training right after landing in my city
The workers here started working on the ice rink to make it ready for next week with ice.
ICE SEASON is coming ! my biggest test is about to come, I feel good, I feel ready and I have full belive in my skills and abilty.
Now it's time to get back on normal training program and starting my 1st pro ice season, I started editing some movie about my time in Israel, it will be posted some time later this week.