Monday, May 9, 2011

Memorial day & Independence day

Today is the Memorial day for Israel's fallen.
When the evening will come (at 20:00)  it will change to the Independence day of Israel, both sad & happy being "celebrated" one after each other.
I can't imagine how does a family who lost their beloved ones, having to go from sadness to happiness, but that's life in Israel, the bereavement is touching each one of us in some way.
Being so far away from home on this special days, that's new to me, but I feel more connected to Israel now, more than ever.
Being an athlete on a foreign land in the name of Israel....And it doesn't matter if I compete here in the name of Israel or as Itay, they all see me here as the "Israeli skater", I represent something if I like it or not.
I'm sitting at home, listening to Israeli station named "Galgaltz", they are playing sad songs and army songs, in 20 minute there will be an alarm in all of Israel for 2 minute to stand quietly and respect those who died to deafened our homeland.

When evening comes, the wind will change to the Independence day of Israel, everyone will go party and celebrate our country existence  and our victory on those who wished to destroy us, I wanted to put a flag on my window, but I can't seem to find any Israeli flag here in the stores, so that's one of the things to bring on my next viciation.
I think it's interesting that today in Russia, they have a holiday (9th May), the day Russia won on the Natzi Germany in World War 2, and that happens on the same day that Israel have their Independence day.

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